Why learn programming in 2022?
We use electronic devices everyday. Be it a computer, mobile, tablet. On these devices, we use different applications, websites, and utilities. Can you think of anything that these have in common? I mean they are all used on computers, of course, but is there something else common here? Yes! All of them use the power of programming to function. Some of you may be surprised to see websites on this list. Now what if you could create these on your own? DIY sites? I know it'd be really cool indeed! But to do so, you need to learn programming yourself. How learn programming? So what exactly is programming? It is the act of giving the computer instructions to perform a specific task, nothing else. You have to learn something known as a programming language to do so which help us to communicate with a computer. It's just like learning a normal language, where you have to learn it's grammar, words, and syntax. These languages include C++, JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby, Kotlin, and...